All ages can benefit from yoga's mental and physical health benefits living with chronic condition , Yoga can be an integral part of your treatment
Yoga therapists can help patients for any type of disease , that are compatible with their medical and surgical treatments. Yoga can help with healing and reduce distres
In Yoga slow movements of body parts and deep breathing increase blood circulation and warm muscles. Holding a pose can help build strength.
To Stop the Back pain you can do Yoga, Yoga is recommended by the American College of Physicians as a first-line treatment of chronic low back pain
A Johns Hopkins review of 11 studies has demand that gentle yoga can relieve some of the pain of arthritis patients with tender joints.
Regular yoga practice can reduce stress levels and body-wide inflammation. Yoga can control heart disease such as high blood pressure, excess weight, and high blood sugar
Few Study demand , consistent yoga practice at bedtime can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep