Keep Honey in Breakfast - have 100 Benefits 

Honey has a number of potential health benefits and plays a role in many home remedies and alternative medicine treatments.

Honey Contains a variety of nutrient

One tablespoon (20 grams) of honey contains (1Trusted Source): – Calories: 61 – Fat: 0 gram – Protein: 0 gram

Honey Contains a variety of nutrient

Carbs: 17 gram – Fiber: 0 gram – Riboflavin: 1% of the Daily Value (DV) – Copper: 1% of the DV

Honey Rich in antioxidant

Honey contains a number of antioxidants, including phenolic acids and flavonoids.

Blood sugar levels

Honey may offer some protective effects related to blood sugar management, but it should still be consumed in moderation, especially by people with type 2 diabetes.

Honey May improve heart health

Honey has been linked to beneficial effects on heart health, including reduced blood pressure and blood fat levels. Still, more human research is needed on the topic.

Burn and wound healing

honey can be part of an effective treatment plan for burns, wounds, and many other skin conditions. It’s particularly effective for diabetes-related foot ulcers.

May help suppress coughing in children

For children over 1 year of age, honey can act as a natural and safe cough suppressant. it’s even more effective than certain cough medicines.

Honey Easy to add to your diet

use honey to sweeten yogurt or beverages, as an ingredient in many recipes,  Because honey is sugar, try to limit your intake.

Honey is primarily composed of sugar, provides small amounts of  several vitamins and minerals, and is rich in health-promoting plant  compounds.

The smell, color, and taste of honey vary based on the type of flowers  it’s made from, so there are countless varieties available.

Researchers have found that honey may increase levels of adiponectin, a  hormone that reduces inflammation and improves blood sugar regulation

One observational study including over 4,500 people over age 40  associated a moderate honey intake with a lower risk of high blood  pressure among women

One study including people with diabetes-related foot ulcers reported a  43.3% success rate with honey as a wound treatment.