The back-to-school season is a time where many people are thinking about divorce. It doesn't matter if you're seeking information or eager to take the next step in your journey

chances  are that you're considering the possibility of a first consultation  with a divorce attorney to find out more information regarding your  current situation.

The  federal, state, as well as local taxes from the past one to three years  will give your lawyerand judge an idea of what your family's earnings  has been

Work and Family Income Divorce Document

Work and Family Income Divorce Document

Tax returns for business if you and/or your spouse are the owners of an enterprise, and preferably for the last five years. This is applicable to any business entity

Evidence of income of both partners (W-2 1099, W-2 Pay stubs, pay stubs or bank statement that includes direct deposit etc.)

– Stock options you or your spouse are entitled to due to your job.  – Contracts of employment for spouses  – Statements of benefits for both spouses

– Statements for all of your accounts. This includes savings, checking and brokerage accounts, mutual funds and cryptocurrency accounts. 

Savings and Investment Divorce Documents

Savings and Investment Divorce Documents 

– Deposit certificates  – Your 401(k), 403(b) statements/retirement account statements  – Your spouse's 401(k), 403(b) statements/retirement account statements

– Statements for Traditional as well as Roth IRA statements  – Statements of pension  – Other documents that mention any deferred compensation you or your spouse

– Statement of mortgage for all homes owned by the homeowner  – Tax statements for every properties owned

Property and Asset Divorce Documents

Property and Asset Divorce Documents 

– Applications for loans (includes refinances, car loans mortgages for home improvements, etc.) that you might have submitted over the past few years as well as a listing of the places where applications were submitted.